There are now four live alumni blogs at the University of Lincoln, and more are expected soon. Progress in the rollout has picked up recently as more schools have discovered the advantages of establishing school based alumni networks.
The Media School (LSM) blog has been up and running since September 2009 and features alumni stories from 61 graduates, as well as job opportunities and an abundance of multimedia content. It attracts a wide readership from over 60 countries and has been instrumental in the continued success of the School.
Following the example of the School of media, the next to go online was the Nursing alumni blog, created and edited by Kay Hayden. Kay loves blogging, and combines the development of this blog with her postgraduate and teaching activities in the School of Health and Social Care.
The School of Social Sciences (LSSS) alumni blog is run by Jan Gordon, Jill Jameson and Claire Randerson, who are in the process of finding graduate stories.
The Public Relations (LIncoln School of Journalism) alumni blog, is being pioneered by Jane Crofts, who has already featured stories by fifteen recent graduates, as well as other editorial articles – all in the space of a few weeks.
Other alumni blog initiatives expected soon include English, Performing Arts and Psychology.