Where are your alumni?

I have been asking myself why some schools are finding it difficult to find alumni stories.

In the LSM perseverance has paid off over the years; new stories and contributors still appear and existing contributors send us career updates. Jane Crofts has had similar success with her Public Relations alumni blog. So why are other schools having problems? Continue reading



The basic aim of this blog is to help anyone who wants to set up and run a WordPress blog for graduates. It is intended to be a resource for those involved in alumni blogging, a place where we can share expertise, opinions, ideas and experience.

So far blogs have been set up for graduates who studied Media Production, Nursing, Public Relations, Psychology and Social Sciences. They are in various stages of development at the moment, but they are all expected to grow rapidly. Continue reading

Absolutely Fabulous PR

Jane Crofts

Jane Crofts is the programme leader for the new Public Relations offerings at the Lincoln School of Journalism but she has over ten years worth of alumni to engage with as PR ran from the start in the Business School. Here she shares her experiences of setting up the PR alumni blog …

It’s easier than you think! OK the set up has taken a little while but Peter Dewrance and Joss Winn have been really helpful ironing out little problems, nudging me in the right direction and stopping me from repeatedly hitting the keys when things don’t happen as fast I think they should. Continue reading